Dear Squash Members,
The new membership pricing for this year begins on on 1st April. As you know the club has been working on a new way of organising and paying for membership and this is about to begin.
Changes to Types of Membership
The new membership form asks you to choose one of four categories:
· Squash fits in to two of the categorise: Sports and Leisure for 6 or 12 months each year.
· The other two categories are Bridge and Social Membership
Changes to Payments
- Monthly payments are to be made through Direct Debit instead of Standing Order. Please make sure you cancel your Standing Order with your bank so no payment is made in April 2022.
- Annual payments are to be made by credit/debit card at the club or via e-banking (e.g. Faster payment system).
Signing the Gift Aid Declaration on form
If you are a tax payer the club, as a registered charity, can reclaim 25 pence for each £1 of a proportion of your membership fee. For example a £25 monthly fee will bring £3.12 to the club. There is a gift aid section on the Direct Debit and Annual Prepayment forms – please don’t miss it.
The Attachments
There is quite a lot to read and process and then you can fill in the form that fits your way of paying. Read Information on New Membership Prices and make choice:-
CNWSC New Membership Prices
Signing Up Process for Direct Debit or Annual Prepayment
Membership Form to fill in for monthly Direct Debit Payments
Membership Form to fill in for Annual Prepayment
The membership system is operational if you are planning on coming into the club to setup your membership. You are also welcome to email completed forms to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support to the club - we are extremely grateful for your loyalty.